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支招托福口语Task 5说不完的问题



小编:戴杲蔚 355

托福口语中的Task 5虽然有关校园生活类话题,但由于不乏信息量,要好好说完并非易事。下面来聊聊如何保证说完的问题。



The boy/ girl can... (方法1---- 只用1句话讲如何做)

The boy/ girl can... (方法2---- 只用1句话讲如何做)

I recommend him/ her to take 1st / 2nd solution, because... (根据自身理由需要牵扯进听力中两个方法的利弊)

那么这个方式的确可以帮助学生在有限时间内说完,甚至可以帮助一部分听力比较弱的学生,只要你可以在阐述理由时巧妙地绕过自己没听到的点,可谓是让人听上去还感觉不错。但在我看来,这个方式却有弊端:1. 撞车--- 这个模板太通用了,考官都听疲了,能不得低分?2.语速慢的学生几乎会漏掉听力中的几个点,而点关乎分数。所以听上去好像讲完了,实际得分并不高,造成自己感觉说的还不错的假象。


1. 原文中可能存在次要信息,如果来不及说,这方面信息可以丢弃。

举例: TPO 2-task 5一开始听力中是这样说的:Listen, I know it's short notice and maybe you have already made the plans for spring break, but one of my students just dropped out of the field trip to the Smithson river caves. You are next on the waiting list, so now there is room for you to come along. You are kidding! I did not think there was a chance and well, it is a three day trip right? I agreed to spend next week helping professor Clark set up the new museum exhibition. I think she is really counting on me.



The girl is invited to take part in a field trip next week, but she has promised another professor to help set up the museum exhibition.从而可以挤出很多时间空间来好好说完下面的要点。

2. 少量信息结构移动--- 细节太多的时候,的确可以放一部分到自己的观点中去,尤其是听力中别人的对策都帮你想好了的时候,但是只是一部分,全部利弊往后就又变成上面我不太赞成的模式了。这样少量信息移动,可以避免信息说话的重复性,而且每个题目可以移动的部分不一样,不可能让考官听上去模板化。

举例: TPO6-task 5这篇东西信息量非常大,其中第二个solution,教授说可以让女学生的study group挑选一个leader负责meeting前发agenda到每个人邮箱里的工作,从而下次学生meet时就知道focus on points了。然后教授提议让女学生做这个leader。女生说自己有这个能力,但是感觉lots of work。于是教授又给出点子:You don't have to do it for the whole semester, Sara. You can start it off and then perhaps someone else can take it over.这时候我们完全可以这样说:

The professor also suggests her study group to choose a leader, whose job is sending agenda by email before the meeting to ensure that everyone can focus on the goals next time when they meet. If I were the girl, I would like to be the leader, because I'm capable of doing this role and though that sounds lots of work, I can start it off and then ask someone else to take over, as the professor recommended.那么这样,我就把原本是听力里的一个部分变成了我自身的一个观点,节约了进一步去summarize听力中要点的时间,也不必在自我陈述理由中又将这个理由重复一遍。

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