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小编:长安 121


  Describe a picture in your family.

  You should say:

  What is in the picture

  Where this picture is in your home

  How this picture was taken

  And explain why this picture is meaningful.

  环球教育顾浩源在此首先提供给广大"烤鸭"的小贴士——"素材的选定",尤其作为身处中学和大学阶段的"烤鸭"们,由于缺乏人生阅历和生活经历,自然没有那么多"真情实意"与考官分享。至此,个人建议"烤鸭"们可以适时多利用各类实用APP软件以及微信公众平台来加以积累各类生活化的素材,例如Round Table,小咖英语等等。



  I would like to talk about a photo taken on my 20-year-old birthday almost ten years ago, which is a 12-inch one and has left a good memory for me. In the photo, you can see, there are five people, sitting and standing at the dining table, including my grandparents, my parents and me (开门见山,简明扼要地介绍了照片的背景故事)

  You can see the color of the wallpaper was sky blue, which is my favorite color. My dad booked the VIP room for me. On the wall, there was a picture of tiger, because I was born in the year of tiger. (描述照片的背景颜色和图画)

  On the table, there are no less than 10 dishes, a plate of longevity noodles, a birthday cake, two mugs of freshly squeezed orange juice, and a few other drinks. As far as I remember, one of my favorite dishes on that night was Soy-sauced Pork Belly, which was in front of me. (进一步说明照片上的食物)

  In the picture, everyone was smiling because we were having an enjoyable time. In my dictionary, one of the happiest moments of life is to have a meal with one's family. I believe it's one of the most memorable and valuable photos that I have ever taken in my life, and I will take good care of it. (通过照片的纪念意义来体现它的珍贵)

  顾浩源 Daniel GU,主教口语

  (澳大利亚莫纳什大学外交与贸易硕士,Master of Diplomacy and Trade, Monash University, Australia)

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