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小编:Eileen 32




  (1) Some people think thatenvironmental problems are too big for individuals to solve. Only governmentsand large companies can make a difference. To what extent do you agree ordisagree?(关于谁为环境保护负责)

  (2) Some people believe thatair travel should be restricted because it causes serious pollution and willuse up the world's resources. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(交通工具的利弊比较)


  (1) Some people think it isnecessary to use animals for testing medicines intended for human use. Others,however, think it is cruel to do that. Discuss both views and give your ownopinion.(关于是否要用动物做实验的讨论)

  (2) Many animal species inthe world is becoming extinct. Some people say countries and other individualsshould protect these animals from dying out, while others say we shouldconcentrate more on problems of human beings. Discuss both views and give yourown opinion.(关于是否要保护濒危动物的讨论)


  (1) Many countries usefossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) as the main source of energy. However,in some countries the use of alternative sources of energy such as wind energyand solar energy are encouraged. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(关于化石燃料和新能源的对比)


  produce a large amount of rubbish  产生大量垃圾

  canned food and processed food  罐装食品或加工食品

  a source of pollution  污染源

  household garbage 家庭垃圾

  disposable products  一次性产品

  plastic bags 塑料袋

  use… once and throw it away  就用一次然后扔掉

  be difficult to dispose of  很难处理

  garbage classification  垃圾分类

  have very little sense of recycling  缺乏垃圾回收意识

  take down-to-earth actions  采取切实的行动

  buy fresh food without packaging  购买没有外包装的新鲜食物

  put more taxes on over-packaged food  给过度包装的食物多征税

  do not attempt to recycle their waste  不去回收垃圾

  collective efforts 共同的努力

  reduce the amount of rubbish we produced  减少我们所产生的垃圾量

  restrain the use of…  抑制……的使用

  face many obstacles  遇到很多障碍

  vicious circle 恶性循环

  have adverse effects on…  对……有不好的影响

  decay or dissolve away by natural forces  在大自然中腐化或分解

  use… wastefully  浪费某物

  emit harmful gases into the atmosphere  向大气中排放有害气体

  cause irreversible damage  引起不可逆转的破坏

  cause immense damage to…  对……造成巨大破坏

  be damaged permanently  被永久破坏

  car emissions 汽车尾气

  enforce strict car emission control  执行严格的尾气控制

  groundwater pollution  地下水污染

  chemical fertilizer  化肥

  industrial waste 工业废物

  pursue profits at the expense of the environment  以环境为代价追求利润

  ecological degradation  生态恶化

  environmental deterioration  环境恶化

  ecologicaldestruction  生态破坏


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