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无锡市环球教育培训中心 张云帆

Government  should  pay  more  attention  on  healthy  care  issues  than  on  environmental  issues.


Spend  money  on  long  last  thing  or  spend  on  shortterm  pleasure;  e.g.  buying  jewelry  or  taking  vacations. 2008.12.13ML

To  make  sure  other  people  (someone  influential  or  your  boss)  to  know  your  strength  and accomplishment  can  help  you  succeed  or  you  can  accomplish  nothing.


Food in the past was much healthier than today. 2009.12.11NA/2011.01.08ML

Is the ability to read and write more important today than in the past? 2009.12.20ML

If  child  want  to  do  well  in  school,  parents  should  limit  the  hours  of  watching  TV  programs  or movies. 2010.03.12NA

Do you agree or disagree: we should know about the events happening around the world that do

not affect our life. 2010.04.30NA

It  is  more  important  for  governments  to  spend  money to  improve  Internet  access  than  public transportation. 2010.05.22ML

It  is  better  to  spend  money  on  traveling  and  vacation  than  save  money  for  the  future. 2010.06.13ML

Students in the school, whether it should work? 2010.08.14ML

People should not have to pay for the public transportation. 2010.09.12ML

Technology  helps  to  make  people’s  lives  simpler  or  make  people’s  lives  more  complicated. 2010.09.26ML

Do you think success is important, or it is more important to remain happy and optimistic when

you fail? 2010.10.09ML

It is better to relax by a movie or reading a book than doing physical exersice. 2010.10.17ML

Being  creative,  rather  than  carefully  planning,  is  more  often  results  in  the  best  solution. 2010.12.12ML

Although science and technology will continue to improve, the most significant improvement for

the quality of people’s lives have already taken place. 2011.03.11NA

When you choose a university, do you care more about its graduates’ vocational development than

its professors’ fames?2 011.04.02NA

Is it easier to be a success in the past than it istoday. 2011.05.29ML

The friends that you can have fun with are more important than the friends that you can get help

from? 2011.07.08NA

People who develop many different skills are more successful than people who focus on one skill

only. 2011.08.27ML

The car (automobile) has had greater effect to society than the airplane has to. 2011.09.17NA

It  is  easier  for  parents  to  raise  children  today  than  it  was  50  years  ago.


Famous entertainers and athletes deserve to have more privacy than they have now. 2011.10.22NA

Improvement of school is the most important factor for development of nation. 2011.12.11ML

One cannot learn to be a leader. 2012.02.11ML

Employees who always follow their supervisor’s instructions are more valuable to their companies than employees who try to find new or better ways? 2012.03.04ML

Our  society  today  is  so  busy  and  crowed  that  people do  not  need  to  be  polite  to  each  other? 2012.05.25NA

Should company use public recognition to reward hard working, not to use money. 2012.06.08NA

Is it important for government to provide money forthe things that are beautiful than things that are practical. 2012.07.15ML

Teachers now have more influence on their students than they were in the past. 2012.08.04NA

The government and corporation should share all their scientific discoveries with other countries in the world? 2012.10.28ML

Government should support artist or artist should support themselves. 2012.11.16NA

Some people think that the important role of university professors is to do research; others think the main role of them is to educate students. 2012.11.18ML

Teaching is a harder work in the past than today. 2012.12.07NA

Patience  is  usually  not  a  good  strategy.  We  should  take  action  now  rather  than  later. 2012.12.08ML

In order for business to succeed, it must put more money in advertising. 2013.01.25NA

Business to successful, must put more money in advertising. 2013.01.26NA

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