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小编:余轶 85


我们通过对新出考题的分析得出,现在雅思口语话题的出题模式出现了一些新的变化,大体有三:一,本次的新题中有相当一部分反映的是当下现实生活中的方方面面,与各位考生的现实生活紧密相关。比如说’describe an APP that you often use on your phone’这题紧密结合了时下智能手机发展的潮流,若对手机功能不太熟悉(当然对学生来说可能性较小),此话题卡抽到则考生必定完蛋。换而言之,现在的考题越来越偏重考生对于周遭或是现实生活中密切相关事物的认识,而不像过去尽是些宽泛过头的描述人、物、事及建筑的概念。二,今年考题出现了较多负面描述性话题,题目不再局限于’tell us someone who you are familiar with’或是’describe a beautiful place where you want to have a home’这种,而是出现了如’describe a time when you had to be friendly to someone you dislike or hate’ 或是’describe a situation when others didn’t tell you the whole truth’。这种命题思路的求变对于习惯了考题“真善美”的中国学生是种全新的挑战。三,某些话题的套题几率减低——也就是说话题的特定性在增强,导致了以前以一篇套多题战术的间接失灵,例如’describe a good law in your country’,此题限定为law,套其他人物事话题的灵活性不高。综上所述,如果我们学生在准备雅思口语part 2时,战术可能需要作出一定调整了。


Describe a piece of good news from TV or on the internet.

You should say:

When you heard about the news;

What the news was about;

How you got the news;

And explain why you think it’s good.

描述一条新闻(或消息),此题很明显考察的是学生对于时事的掌握。那些发生在自己身边的陈芝麻烂谷子事儿肯定通通枪毙——因为from TVon the internet。个人觉得,出题者的目的是希望学生在准备考试时,不仅仅需要关注语言本身,还要关注语言背后的社会文化现象,进而领悟雅思考试—语言学习的真谛。万一怕遇见此考题,推荐大家准备好自己比较感兴趣的新闻消息,可以各式各样,时政科技娱乐皆可而无需刻意追求新闻的严肃性、政治正确之类虚无缥缈的东西。笔者是坚定的谷歌粉丝,故说到此话题,脑中的第一反应就是如下这则消息——因熟悉或感兴趣,才有可能侃侃而谈嘛。(顺便提一下,考试中可以在考官面前稍稍提及一些在中国大陆因种种原因被墙掉的网络服务,并表示一下个人的惋惜,不解或是一丁点的愤慨——原因你懂的。)

I believe the news I learned recently is actually you would like to hear: Google’s Wi-Fi balloon project is about to launch. Generally speaking, it is an attempt launching those internet-enabled balloons into the atmosphere to provide internet access to rural areas.

I first heard about the news when I was surfing the internet someday in the past...eh maybe in September last year I suppose? I was then looking for some information for my essay writing in those news websites including BBC, ABC and CNN and found some news drawing my very attention. It was reported that Google had planned to start a project named Project Loon. You know I have always been some sort of fanatic devotees to Google since I think obviously it changed something within the human history, I mean both the way people live their lives and ideas they hold. Showing my respect to the I.T tycoon, I read it a little bit more about the news reports. The idea is to creating a floating network about 20 km above the earth’s surface which is also known as the stratosphere, high enough to avoid and adverse weather or airplane traffic, by using those polyethylene-plastic-made balloons. Each balloon carries a box of electronic device beneath it, which contains radio antennas to communicate with the ground and other balloons, GPS, flight censors, instruments to monitor weather conditions, and circuit boards for controlling the whole system. In addition, it uses solar panels to provide power to the electronic components. The greatest part is that the project is designed to give free connectivity to the people who do not yet have internet access. Isn’t the news amazing!

I wonder why Google always tries to make a difference. As far as I am concerned, I am sure it’s for the great sake of the entire human races, for sustainable development and a better future as well. Compared to those who created monopoly while offering tele-communication services to avoid competition and those countries which built so-called Golden/Goddamned Firewall to cover up their crimes against humanity, Google is truly the one which is marvelous and mighty!

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